Estelle Landy [1st]
Dominic Briones [2nd]
Dixie Crawford [3rd]
Talla Rejaei [4th]
Rhian Sugden [5th]
Kristen Bitting [6th]
Ryan Buckingham [7th]
Sam Wallace [8th]
Frank Eudy [9th]
Shane Meaney [10th]
GM Zimmerman [11th]
Helen Kim [12th]
David Lane [13th]
James Rhine [14th]
Andrew Monaghan [15th]
Ed Lower [15th]
Joe Arvin [17th]
Roddy Mancuso [18th]
Kevin Campbell [19th]
Drew Daniel [20th]
You can have extra time to do this since I won't be home until 7PM EST or Mariah wins immunity, if you're around in 2-3 hours? (I think that is the deadline)
If you continue, magic number is "4". If someone rolls the exact number or closest to it, will be eliminated.
After immunity challenge, players roll dice that's maximum number covers how many people can be voted out. So if we have 5 people, 3 are immune, so 2 are vulnerable, everyone rolls one die. Whoever rolls either the EXACT number of people left in the game who are vulnerable (so 5 people, 2 are vulnerable, 2 is the magic number) or closest to it (so nobody rolls 2 but someone rolls 1 or 3), is voted out of the game and is part of the jury. If there is more than one person who rolls the exact number or both roll the same number that is closest to it, then they each roll again in a "revote" with same rules - whoever is closest to it.