Estelle Landy [1st]
Dominic Briones [2nd]
Dixie Crawford [3rd]
Talla Rejaei [4th]
Rhian Sugden [5th]
Kristen Bitting [6th]
Ryan Buckingham [7th]
Sam Wallace [8th]
Frank Eudy [9th]
Shane Meaney [10th]
GM Zimmerman [11th]
Helen Kim [12th]
David Lane [13th]
James Rhine [14th]
Andrew Monaghan [15th]
Ed Lower [15th]
Joe Arvin [17th]
Roddy Mancuso [18th]
Kevin Campbell [19th]
Drew Daniel [20th]
That was the worsttttt DR entry ever. So many dafuqs in one post! Awful!
Also... wtf happened with rhian lying? I'm confused. So rhian told Dixie she was voting Andrew out the entire time? So Dixie didn't know rhian was against her the entire time? Confuzzled. I wish these people updated their DRs about things like these because I'm all confused now.
Rhian is an amazing social player to have Shane kneeling and kissing her feet after a round like this.
Interesting little alliance going on now with Ryan, Rhian, GM, Estelle and Dom. I can't say I hate it tbh. I do think there was a slight overreaction by GM, Estelle and especially Rhian. She got personal with Dixie, which pissed me the fuck off. Anyway. I liked Estelle's video. I think she made some good points and I can see and understand her side of things. I don't think GM is right in getting so mad because Ed ended up leaving, her target and Kristen's ally, yet Kristen can't have her target leave with her noms? It was too much.
I don't know what I wanna see happen next. Dixie or Sam winning HOH would be CRAZY, but so would Estelle. I don't know if I wanna see James, David or Ryan to win it. They're all in a good position and will probably fly through the next few rounds if HOH falls in the hands of the power players.
The only reason I preferred talla staying was because Andrew was blindly following rhian when she had like 5 or 6 allies ahead of him. It annoyed me lol. Also. Talla has this crazy thing going on that keeps everyone on their toes.
I'm glad we cast Talla since we needed drama haha I wonder how this game would be if Liza was in it too <33
I don't like that Rhian got personal with Dixie too. I hope she apologizes tho since Dixie obvi likes Rhian bitches be cray. Estelle's video was alright but I feel like he plays like a victim a lot...
I'm not sure who I want to win HOH because if Sam/Dixie or Estelle/Rhian win then someone good is gonna leave ugh
Rhian getting personal was a bit weird, but really, I don't know how people can keep getting sucked into being blinded by Rhian, especially since didn't the same thing kind of happen in season 4? Like...wouldn't they be on the lookout for things?
oh I guess Dixie/Rhian are back to normal? lol Rhian is working it tho with Dixie. I hope Dix doesn't trust her as much tho I wanna hear their thoughts lord mercy
I don't understand the Rhian/GM/Estelle camp is throwing such a fit over last week. They got out someone against them in Ed. Andrew wasn't even that strong of an ally for them. I get they put themselves in a bad place by trying to save him but if they just let Andrew go while Dixie put a target on her back, they wouldn't be having issues right now. It's annoying to watch them all throw fits in their DR.
Rhian! I love me some Rhian. It's somewhat debatable whether or not she evicted me last round -- But I trust her, and I like her, and I want to continue to work with her in this game. <3